2000 Waterdam Plaza Drive Suite 120


Uroflow is a test performed in all of our offices. This test measures the volume and force of your urinary stream. You will be asked to urinate into a special commode in a private room which electronically measures this information.  You must try to void with as much force as possible.  This is one of the few tests in medicine which never hurts and doesn't involve a needle.  If your bladder isn't full, please drink fluids until it is full, to make the test meaningful.

Pre Op Instructions

It is essential that you arrive at your uroflow appointment with a full bladder (at the point at which you would normally be looking for a restroom).

  • Try to drink 32 ounces or four 8 oz cups of water one hour prior to your examination.  We suggest water because caffeinated beverages can make you feel like you are ready to urinate when the volume of urine in your bladder is not sufficient to get an accurate test.
  • If for any reason you are uncomfortable and must void (urinate) please notify one of the office personnel immediately.  We will make every attempt to make you as comfortable as possible.  A full bladder gives us the best results