2000 Waterdam Plaza Drive Suite 120

ESWL (Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy)

ESWL is performed to break up stones in your kidney(s) or ureter(s). It is performed at a hospital in the Same Day Surgery department. The hospitals at which we perform this procedure use a lithotripter which requires that you lay on a table (you are not submersed in a water tank).

Pre Op Instructions

You will need to stop taking any blood thinning medications (non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or warfarin, Coumadin, etc) at least seven days prior to ESWL as hematoma (bruising) of the kidney is a possible but unlikely side effect.

There is a dietary prep that we ask that you follow the day prior to your procedure.

Post Op Instructions

  • Strain the urine for gravel.  Keep all gravel and bring to office with you.
  • Drink plenty of water, one 8 ounce glass per hour. This will keep urine clear and help to pass gravel.
  • Avoid strenuous activity, if you have a catheter in place.
  • Blood in the urine is common.  If clots create difficulty contact the office.
  • Resume your medications unless you take any anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as Coumadin, Aspirin. Do not resume blood thinners until you ask your doctor.
  • Before you leave the facility be certain that you have a prescription for pain medication and a slip for a follow-up x-ray.


  • You have a lot of pain that is not helped by the pain medication.
  • You have a rise in temperature above 101.5 F.
  • You have any other problems or questions not covered by these instructions.