Glossary -A- |
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Abdomen: The part of the body that contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and bladder
Acquired: Anything not present at birth
Acute Renal Failure: A condition in which the kidneys suddenly stop working
Adenocarcinoma: A malignant tumor that develops from the glandular elements of an organ
Adenoma: A benign tumor made up of glandular tissue
Adhesion: The joining of two tissue surfaces by scar tissue
Adjacent: Next to
Adjuvant therapy: An additional treatment to try to prevent recurrence
Adrenal Gland: One of a pair of glandular organs situated above the kidneys which secrete hormones that control heart rate and blood pressure. It also produces most of the body’s steroids
Albuminuria: An abnormal amount of albumin (a protein) in the urine
Analysis: A detailed look at something
Androgens: The male sex hormones
Angiomyolipoma: A benign kidney tumor
Anomaly: An abnormality
Anterior: In front of anatomically
Anti-Androgens: Drugs that block the effects of androgens (male hormones)
Antibiotics: Drugs which fight bacterial infections
Antibody: Specialized protein produced in response to an antigen in order to eliminate the antigen
Antigen: A substance that can produce an antibody
Antioxidant: A substance that prevents a chemical process called oxidation. Oxidation may cause genetic mutations. Antioxidants may prevent cancer forming
Apical: Relating to the tip of a structure
Asymptomatic: Without symptoms
Atypical: Not usual